About Me

Marathon Training Guide

Hi there!! I’m Lisa and running marathons truly changed my life…

I went from not running at all to running a full marathon in 5 months. After blood, sweat, and tears from training, I finished that marathon with a time of 4:21 in pouring rain, 65 mph winds, and even hail! My life was forever changed that day.

Let me tell you, the runner’s high is real. Crossing the finish line that day was so much more than finishing a race. It taught me that I could do anything I set my mind to in life. I never imagined I would ever be able to run a marathon and yet I had done it in only 5 months. The running bug bit me that day and since then, I’ve been blessed with new job opportunities, raised over $15,000 for charities, finished over 100 races all around the country, and have been able to motivate others to accomplish their dreams.

I’m here to help you do the same! I’ll cover everything from 5Ks to full marathon training along with race reviews, proper running nutrition, amazing gear, fundraising tips, and everything in between. I hope the lessons I’ve learned over the past 10 years will help you CONQUER your goals as well! =) Let’s do this together!

Remember. If it was easy….everyone would do it. It won’t be easy, but it will be WORTH IT! I promise.




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