BEST Running Headphones / Earbuds

Best Running Headphones

I have tried every headphone under the sun for my runs. I love listening to music while running. Music puts me in the zone and makes me run faster (or so I feel). I just put on my favorite running songs (post to come soon) and the distraction makes me forget I’m even running! Over the years, I’ve tried SO many different headphones, I figured I’d put together my favorite go-to headphones to eliminate the hassle for my readers!


The BEST Wired Headphones/Earbuds

For months, I ran with my large iphone on my arm and the regular Apple headphones plugged in. However, my ears would hurt by the end, the earbuds would often fall out, the music wouldn’t be very loud, and the cord would get wrapped up in my arms.

At a running expo, I came across Snuggbud headphones. At the expo booth, when I put them in my ears, I was sold instantly. They were a good price and had “noise-cancelling” surround sound. They had extra bass as well so I felt like I was at a concert while wearing them. I bought them instantly and ran my marathon the next day with them.

They didn’t fall out at all, they were extremely comfortable with different size earbuds to use, and the sound quality was incredible! I was extremely focused on my run and loved the extra hype that the amazing sound brought me! I swear, they are the only reason I got through that race! The headphone cord is sweat and tangle resistant so you don’t need to worry about them getting tangled in a ball like regular headphones do.

The kind I live by are the SPX Sport Headphones.

They also have an amazing warranty so they will replace the headphones if something goes wrong with them.


My Favorite Wireless Headphones/Earbuds

After many years of using my wired headphones, I started thinking about wireless headphones. I was hesitant to try them as I didn’t want to lose them and I had an ipod that wasn’t bluetooth. One day, I decided to bite the bullet and try some wireless earbuds out to connect to my phone. However, I had crucial criteria:

1.) It was important that the wireless headphones stayed in perfectly while I was running/jumping

2.) They had to be sweat resistant

3.) Must keep a battery charge for a good while

4.) Come with a carrying case

5.) Weren’t going to break the bank.

I tried many, many different types of headphones. However, I finally found a great pair that meets all of my criteria! In fact, my boyfriend keeps stealing them!! My favorite wireless headphones are both affordable and amazing quality/sound! These have incredible bass so it sounds like you’re at a concert, but they ALSO will stay in your ear while you run!!

I love these for when you want to bring your phone as they can connect via bluetooth to your phone, allowing you to easily go through songs via the buttons on the earbuds. They’re perfect for running as it will get you in the zone and make you run like the wind!

Side note: You know my stance on running with a phone. I vote no on that to get you in the running zone. I use an extremely affordable bluetooth mp3 player that I’ve linked here. It’s fantastic for running as it’s very durable and clips onto your clothing!

Let me know what your favorite headphones are and if you try these out! Hope you like them! =)

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