What to Consume During Long Runs

What to Consume During Long Runs

Should I take a gel every couple miles?

Should I grab the orange slices on the course?

What if I get hungry?

What’s a shotblock?

Nutrition when running is often an after thought, and yet it makes a complete night/day difference in your long runs. I’ve had clients that had attempted a marathon multiple times, but never finished the race. They came to me to ask what they should be doing. We ended up figuring out that the missing piece was nutrition. After some tips, tricks, and a plan, they finished their next marathon with ease! They later explained that they didn’t realize or know the importance of nutrition and that it made the world of difference in their performance!

There are many things you need to think about when running long distance. Those types of distances truly require thought and preparation on what you are fueling your body with in the days/weeks leading up to it, right before the run, and right after the run. I will be writing articles on pre and post nutrition as well.

Some of the nutrition options to consider are below:

Energy Gels

What is it: A small package about half the size of a credit card that contains around 100 calories of energy

Why You Would Use it: Gels will replenish your glycogen stores by raising your blood sugar levels

Pros: Many flavors, many brands, caffeine options, small, easy to carry, easy to take given gel consistency

Cons: Some flavors aren’t very good so make sure you try them before using them on your runs as the last thing you want is to get sick on your run from a bad taste in your mouth. You also may need water to wash them down. Sometimes they give stomach cramps.

I’ve used gels for years. I’ve tried tons of different flavors, but I stick to lemon-lime or raspberry only because the fruity flavor helps give me a boost and is very refreshing. I always take gels very slowly. Some people can down them with no issues. I usually take mine over about 5-10 mins (taking little drops in at a time) because I get cramps easily from any food/water I eat while running. Try taking them in slowly and see how your body reacts. I always expect these to kick in about 30 mins from when I take them. So, if you’re on mile 10, take one so that by mile 13, you’re getting the extra push. I usually take one at mile 10 and 17 during a full marathon. For a half marathon, I take one at mile 7.

These ones are my 2 favorite brands:

GU Energy Gels









CLIFF Energy Shot Gels



What is it: A package of square (super yummy!) gummies the size of a starburst pack.

Why You Would Use it: Gummy shotblocks will also replenish your glycogen stores by raising your blood sugar levels. They are usually around 25 calories per block and they help give you energy to fuel your run.

Pros: Taste fantastic, many flavors, many brands, caffeine options, very easy to consume while running, and very refreshing

Cons: Larger to carry than gels

Personally, shotblocks are my favorite energy replenishment during a run. They taste fantastic (black cherry shout-out!) and they are very easy for my body to digest. Plus, who doesn’t love gummies!? I prefer these over anything else and actually look forward to taking them. My favorite ones are below! I actually find myself sneaking into my running stash every now and then when I want a treat around the house. Like I said, they’re yummy! =)


Here’s a variety pack:


Protein Bars

My secret trick for running long distance is that I actually take a full Cliff Bar with me when I run a marathon or any run over 17 miles. I find that I tend to run out of energy around mile 16/17. I usually eat half of the bar at mile 9 and another half at mile 17. Since it will kick in 30 mins later, I will have more energy at mile 12 and mile 20.

I like the coconut chocolate chip cliff bar the best. It gives me a sweet refreshing treat that makes me happy and keeps me going strong! It’s also a good distraction because it takes me a little while to eat it. I’ve used that bar for this use-case for 10 years and I won’t try anything else. My mouth is watering just typing about it. I highly recommend you bring your favorite protein bar (one that is easy to eat and digest) to keep as extra energy in case you need it. (Don’t bring a crumbly Nature Valley bar or a regular granola bar) Get something with calories and carbs (I’m giving you permission) Trust me. You’ll thank me later.


Ok, I know this sounds weird, but you NEED salt. The night before a long run, I go to a McDonalds or fast food place to pick up salt packets that I carry with me on my runs. I take them when I need them. Your body will tell you when it needs salt.

I know it sounds gross, but I kid you not, when your body is asking for it and you take it, it will taste so good! The salt replenishes the salt you’ve lost from sweat. Some races, I end up not needing it at all. Other races, I’m taking in salt packets like I’m the new character on Sesame Street, like Salt Monster! It all depends on how much I’m sweating and how much energy I’m exerting.


Running nutrition is a game changer. If you haven’t been doing it, start it now. You will see a major change in your running and the way your body is functioning during your runs! I hope some these tips/tricks help you find what’s best for you!

3 thoughts on “What to Consume During Long Runs”

    1. Hi Mary! Yes, I swear it’s a game changer! Great question! I typically put half of it in my running belt! =)

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